Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 6: Snorkeling in Belize

Free day! In the past, the group has gone to Tikal or taken a trip on a river. Shira read in her book about an excursion to snorkel in Belize, and made it happen. We got up at 5am, took the bus for 45 minutes to Rio Dulce, then hopped on a boat that took us to Livingston- this boat ride was beautiful- after the lake, the waterway narrowed, and there was lush jungle sloping in, and overhanging the river, with lots of birds flying from shore to shore. During the bus and the boat ride there was a spectacular sunrise. At Livingston, we found our tour group/restaurant, got sized for snorkel fins, and had breakfast. After having out passports stamped at the immigration office in Livingston (and paying $10 dollars), we headed to our boat! Not much different than your standard lancha, I was simply glad it was covered. We headed straight out into the Caribbean Sea.

It was a gorgeous day- clear blue sky, sunshine, and shimmery blue water. The boatride out was maybe 1.5 hours? Straight out into open water. Seemingly in the middle of nowhere, we started to see shallow water and reefs below us, and a few tiny tropical islands, each with 1-2 palm trees. We got out on two of the larger islands- that had primitive bathrooms and bunkhouses. There were some really cool iguanas- up to maybe 4 feet long, and orange!

The snorkeling was really fun- the boat stopped at two different places- the 2nd place had more varieties of fish- fun to get so close to them. Others in the group saw barracuda and a sting ray!

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