Monday, October 4, 2010

Centro de Salud: Rio Dulce

Today was my first day at the Centro de Salud (public health clinic); I worked with a nurse there, who was great.

Here is some handy vocabulary for the day:

Acuosa (diarrea acuosa) = watery

Cefalea = dolor de la cabeza

Comadronas = midwives

ITS= infecciones de transmision sexual

Moco = mucus

Sospechoso caso = suspected case

I ran into an Epidemiology article that lists what was seen Jan-July 2001 in Guatemala (I'm not sure where the data are from exactly):

Resp infections 498,746

Intestinal parasites 367,112

Enfermedades diarreica agudes 221,181

Anemia 190,628

Skin infections 127,621

SOMA 31,793

Peptic ulcer 30,583

Malaria 29,107

PNA y bronchopneumonia 19,589

UTI 13,549

Malnutrition 12,307

Conjunctivitis 5511

Hepatitis 2234

Varicela 1580

Leishmaniasis 317

Cardiopatia isquemica 240

Parotiditis 236

TB 73

Colera 3

Here is what I saw today and how it was treated (by me and the nurse):

  1. 11mo F with cough: tylenol, ibuprofen
  2. 5mo F with PNA: amoxicillin x7days, tylenol

and diarrhea: zinc

and amoebas: metronidazole

  1. 2mo M with stomach pain; amoebas: metronidazole
  2. 24yo F with moderate inflammation and infection with Candida on Pap: doxy x5 days, ibuprofen (already got antifungal at last visit)
  3. 60yo M with HTN: atenolol

and back pain (scoliosis): ibuprofen

  1. (Que’chi) 10mo F with vomiting and diarrhea: zinc, metronidazole, SRO (oral rehydration)

and PNA: trimethoprim

  1. (Que’chi) 14mo F with diarrhea, amoebas: metronidazole, tylenol

and parasites: mebendazole

  1. (Que’chi) 34yo F with reflux: antacid Rugel q8 hours
  2. 7yo F with vomiting, dolor de estomago, and nurse had concern for jaundice/hepatitis: we checked her urine
  3. emergencia- 73yo F from Las Flores with chest pressure/pain: we gave her Atenolol and sent her to Morales for an EKG
  4. 79yo M with HTN: atenolol
  5. Prenatal check at 33 5/7 weeks: listened to FHTs with stethoscope: PNV
  6. Dolores translated in Que’chi for a death certificate of a 1 year old, who had had cough and fever before death
  7. removal of remaining stitches in the skin post-C-section
  8. 15. (Que’chi) mastitis: Amoxicillin, ibuprofen

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